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Edilfloor SpA
{0} anni
Vicenza, Italy
Prodotti principali: Geotessili, Agrotextiles, tessuti tecnici, tessuti per paesaggi, geosintetici

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Informazioni di base
Edilfloor is an Italian family company. Since 1979 Edilfloor is a modern and dynamic company which produces and distributes nonwoven geotextiles, geosynthetics and technical textiles for applications in civil engineering, hydraulic and environmental, furniture, mattress, and automotive industries. Thanks to a continuous development and innovation process, Edilfloor has also developed specific product ranges for the DIY, gardening and for agricultural and livestock sector. Edilfloor has always promoted and pursued a path of growth, research and development. The company believes in customer orientation, continuous improvement, product quality, process quality, ethics and integrity. Edilfloor believes in the value of people, and for that it dedicates its resources not only to build a collaborative and constructive relationship with its suppliers and its customers, but also to enhance its working team.QUALITY POLICYIn 1994 Edilfloor obtained the certification of the Quality Management System based on ISO 9002 standards, positioning itself among the first companies in Italy to pursue quality objectives in production.Today it continues to operate according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 to provide products that comply with the required characteristics and mandatory requirements applicable, to increase stakeholder satisfaction through constant monitoring and continuous improvement of business processes.GENDER EQUALITY POLICYIn 2023 Edilfloor achieved certification for its Gender Equality Management System in accordance with UNI/PdR 125:2022 Practice. It was among the first Italian companies in its sector to successfully complete the certification process. Gender equality entails equal opportunities, treatment, and representation for all, regardless of gender. This certification reflects a commitment to ensuring an inclusive and respectful workplace, where every individual has equal opportunities for growth and development.
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Tipo di attività
Paese / Regione
Vicenza, Italy
Prodotti principaliTotale dipendenti
51 - 100 People
Entrate totali annue
US$10 Million - US$50 Million
Anno di fondazione
Certificazioni(1)Certificazioni di prodotto
Marchi commerciali
Mercati principali

Capacità di prodotto

Informazioni di fabbrica

Dimensione della fabbrica
10,000-30,000 square meters
Posizione della fabbrica
Sandrigo (Italy)
N. di linee di produzione
Contratto d'opera
Design Service Offered, Buyer Label Offered
Valore della produzione annua
US$10 Million - US$50 Million

La Capacità di Produzione annuale

Nome del prodotto
Unità di Prodotto
Needlepunched geotextiles and technical fabrics